Request for help: Distro releases and library version table

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Wed Oct 19 13:48:58 EDT 2005

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb at> writes:
>>That's not beyond likelihood, I agree.  However, notice that already
>>Debian unstable does not include all the necessary dependencies, most
>>notably aqbanking.
> I separate out "does not include a dependent lib" from "contains
> a dependent lib too old to use".  The former is easier to deal with.
> You tell the user "you'll need to build and install foolib and then
> gnucash" whereas the latter means the user has to work around the
> too-old lib in order to build gnucash.

FWIW, I just got done trying to compile G2 on a mixed testing/unstable 
platform and it was basically impossible (or really annoying anyway) 
without moving up to unstable. I suspect that the requirements for 
building on stable would make for a really ugly mixed system and would 
likely make people unhappy, if they could figure it out at all. 
IANADeveloper and IANADebianEpert.

> -derek

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