Switching from CVS to Subversion: test svn repo available
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 24 16:48:22 EDT 2005
Quoting Chris Shoemaker <c.shoemaker at cox.net>:
> Derek,
> I apologize for dredging up the past like that. I said I
> wanted to remain constructive, but my actions said otherwise. I wish
> I could take it back. I /will/ try to exercise more self-control in
> the future. Please forgive me.
I still maintain that I was right back then. :)
Grib was a smart guy, but sometimes missed the forest for the trees.
He's also one of the major Schemers. Are you saying that you want more
scheme in GnuCash? Because at some level agreeing with Grib tends
to imply that! ;)
> Regretfully,
PS: I still don't agree with your premise that the gnucash project needs
to radically change its development processes in order to increase the
number of fringe developers. Historically GnuCash has had about a half
dozen active developers with commit access and maybe a dozen fringe
devs who send in patches. This has historically worked fine. Also
historically there has been turnover as fringe devs become core-devs
by proving that they can work within the gnucash development process,
and old devs leave as they find other projects to work on. The main
issue is that ALL the core devs got burned out after 1.8 and there
weren't any fringe devs to pull up in the ranks. Since then we've
added a couple new committers, one who left and the other who is
active but focused... differently. We were also discussing adding
one more core dev to the mix. But I don't think that changing the
way gnucash's code is maintained would really change the number of
people submitting patches.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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