Switching from CVS to Subversion: test svn repo available

Neil Williams linux at codehelp.co.uk
Tue Oct 25 10:41:05 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Adrian Simmons wrote:
| Neil Williams wrote:
|> 4. Has anyone seriously considered using the SourceForge project more?
| Personally I find SF painfully slow and clunky.

A slow site is better than a closed site!

|> 5. More write access to online information outside the mailing list
|> archives. The gnucash.org website is not being updated, new
|> documentation has to go on other websites and isn't always linked from
|> the gnucash site.
| With the website out of date, and having just searched the devel
| archives, I'd like to ask what needs doing with the website. It's
| something I could help with, and am willing to help with. What can I do
| to help?
| And how is the site currently managed?

It's not, really. Generally, it only gets an update when there is a
release and then only the index page - very little else on the site has
changed for at least a year because access is restricted. Some areas
haven't been changed since the move from gnucash 1.6 to 1.8.

I've offered to update the site (there's a HTML4 strict valid CSS
template available in the search archives page) but the offer was not
taken up.

I've thought about something like Drupal to do the job - it's all a
question of whether anyone else will get access. I saw Drupal at
Linuxworld Expo and I like it much more than any other CMS (and I've
tried the majority!)

Derek - can we arrange something with Linas?

- --

Neil Williams

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