G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

David Hampton hampton-gnucash at rainbolthampton.net
Thu Oct 27 17:54:58 EDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 13:30 -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:04:51PM -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:
> | In a related issue:
> | It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror the SX 
> | creation Options section.
> True, and that makes sense; I'll need to talk to hampton to see if this
> is readily possible, but I don't see why it wouldn't be.  FTR, however,
> there are certainly issues I consider higher severity w.r.t. 2.0.


I think my misunderstanding of the sx settings when I created the
preferences may be contributing to the problem.  Can you clarify for me
whether my current understanding is correct.  (Line numbers refer to the
sxed dialog options settings in Tim's picture.)

The "create automatically" seems to be a master setting. If clear, all
the other settings are ignored.  If checked, then transactions will be
created on the date of the transaction.  If the checkbox in line three
is selected, then transactions will not be created on the actual date of
the transaction, but will be created x days early.  If transactions are
being created automatically, the "notify me when created" checkbox seems
obvious.  You get a message when a transaction is created.  I'm confused
about the final line though.  Does this move the creation announcement
forward by x days, or is this an additional reminder that occurs in
advance of creating the transaction.  Also is this number of days
calculated from the date of the transaction, or the date that the
transaction will be created.  For example, if I have a transaction to be
created on December 1st, marked as create 7 days in advance and a
reminder 10 days in advance, when does the reminder occur?  November
14th (ten days before the transaction is created) or 21st (den days
before the transaction is dated).



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