G2 Testing
Andrew Sackville-West
andrew at farwestbilliards.com
Fri Oct 28 14:38:46 EDT 2005
David Hampton wrote:
>>1) Mouse wheel is inconsistent: When all the accounts are expanded in
>>the accounts tab so that they fill the window, the mousewheel behaves as
>>expected by scrolling. This does not funtion in the register.
> I committed a fix for this on the 23rd. How recent is your tree?
oct 18. cool. I'll pull down a new one and rebuild.
>>2) Register Default Preference: changing the register default style does
>>not apply until the current register tab is closed and reopened. Any
>>open register tabs must be reclosed and re-opened for this to apply.
> That's why these settings are on the "Register Defaults" page instead of
> the "Register" page. :-) Yes, I know just about everything else is
> instant apply. I was using the "Default" keyword to distinguish between
> instant apply settings and "not" instant apply setting. E.G. The
> accounts page has a "Default Currency" that only applies to newly
> created accounts, the scheduled transaction page has a defaults section
> that only applies to newly created scheduled transactions, etc. Is
> there another label or phrasing I could use to make it clearer that
> these settings only apply when a register page is created?
>>IOW, it is possible to have multiple registers open with different
>>styles. This is surely counter-intuitive at a minimum.
> I do this fairly often where I'll put one register in journal mode while
> all the others are in basic mode.
> It is possible to have these setting instantly affect all open
> registers. The problem comes when you start looking at which registers
> are in their default opened state and which have been modified by the
> user from the View menu since they were opened. Should you apply the
> new settings to all open registers or only those in the default state?
> What's the criteria for when you do and don't modify a register? I'd
> prefer to leave this as just a setting for newly opened registers.
okay that makes sense. I only just started diving in and hadn't yet seen
the "view menu" setting for that.
>>4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks
>>increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.
> I don't see this problem on my FC4 system. What distribution are you
> using? Also, which report was this so I can make sure I'm accurately
> recreating the scenario where the problem occurs.
debian unstable. this is Reports=>Income & Expense=>Income Statement.
The behavior is consistent for me. I have the accounts tab and the one
report open. The first clicked link opens fine. Each subsequent one
pushes the bottom of the window down a few pixels. Also, the little
diagonal lines for stretching the window are not being redrawn in the
right spot. I'll try to get some screenshots up.
> David
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