GnuCash design / new features

Brian Rose b_rose at
Mon Oct 31 13:14:30 EST 2005

Oh, no!
>>different info. I want to sound rude, just that
I DO NOT want to sound rude! Yikes! Sorry!
> This is a good point (except for the wanting to sound rude part ;).
yeah. Well, people really do judge a book by its 
cover and a project by its
interface and its website-E.g., "Does it have lots 
of cool original eye candy that looks
fairly new, ...." So, if we want to attract more 
users, developers, etc--this is why I like
Firefox. Looks great, but is a good product too.

> it breaks out like:
> - General simplification
>   - Report <handwave>cleanup</handwave>
>   - Scheme removal
>   - Finalize QOF extraction
>   - Fix modularity system
> - Features
>   - DB-backend/SQLite integration.
>   - Budgeting
>   - Book closing
>   - Lots
>   - SX using QOF (to support above)
>   - Register rewrite in "simple" widgets.

Contagious Design!
web . design . photo

Brian Rose .  web programmer
(604)-630-2426 . brianATcontagiousdesignDOTnet

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