GnuCash design / new features

Josh Sled jsled at
Mon Oct 31 10:36:18 EST 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 06:59 -0800, Brian Rose wrote:
> Hmmm, but is there anywhere that says in stuff 
> like in version 2.5 we will have whatever,
> and in v. 3.0 will be these features as well. A 
> current roadmap I guess. Is it not neccessary to
> have all this and the docs above on the/a website? 
> Right now there is the wiki,,
> and then independent developers' sites all with 
> different info. I want to sound rude, just that
> I was confused at where Gnucash is going after G2, 
> so I thought if I am confused maybe
> others are as well--hence the website suggestions. 

This is a good point (except for the wanting to sound rude part ;).

We've been really focused on the G2 port and 2.0, and intentionally
haven't talked with too much rigor about post-2.0, at the same time
there's been a lot of discussion over the last year or so, and I think
it breaks out like:

- General simplification
  - Report <handwave>cleanup</handwave>
  - Scheme removal
  - Finalize QOF extraction
  - Fix modularity system
- Features
  - DB-backend/SQLite integration.
  - Budgeting
  - Book closing
  - Lots
  - SX using QOF (to support above)
  - Register rewrite in "simple" widgets.

It might be possible to plan these out into specific releases/timeframes
if we had regular releases and more than really-part-time developers.
Right now, it's hard to have a realistic roadmap that's more formal.

-- - `a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}`

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