Testing locale change from gnucash 1.8 to gnucash-g2
Didier Vidal
didier-devel at 9online.fr
Sat Sep 24 17:06:27 EDT 2005
The solution is probably in qofquery-serialize.c...
Looks like qof is used by the file backend (sorry, I'm still totally
newbie about gnucash modules).
find . -type f -name '*.c' -exec grep 8859 {} \; -print
xmlNodeDumpOutput (xbuf, NULL, topnode, 99, 99, "iso-8859-1");
static const gchar* LABEL_FONT_NAME =
"UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15",
Le sam 24/09/2005 à 22:43, Didier Vidal a écrit :
> Le sam 24/09/2005 à 21:30, Derek Atkins a écrit :
> > Quoting Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>:
> >
> > > Not hard - the GnuCash file backend doesn't use libxml2 for this part of the
> > > file so it's a one line change in write_v2_header func in
> > > src/backend/file/io-gncxml-v2.c. I'll put it into my next commit:
> > > - fprintf(out, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
> > > + fprintf(out, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n");
> > >
> > > I need to do it in QSF too where it will be done via libxml2.
> >
> > Shouldn't this only be done IFF the datafile is actually in UTF-8? I mean, if
> > the datafile is still iso-8859-1 wont this cause problems?
> Actually, after sending my first email, I tested how gnucash-g2 saves a
> file that contains non ASCII letters (ie: é) with LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8.
> I was surprised to see that it looks like the XML file is in ISO-8859-1
> ('é' is coded é, while utf-8 code would be c3A9 from what I observe
> in emacs in hexl-mode). Now, I'm lost. Looks like ISO-8859-1 is
> hardcoded somewhere in gnucash data...
> Didier.
> >
> > -derek
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