Gnucash and utf-8 : summary
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 28 08:15:11 EDT 2005
There is no "latest build". The g2 release is still in progress.
You're welcome to pull it from CVS like everyone else.
Pawan Chitrakar <pchitrakar at> writes:
> Dear All,
> We are working on gnucash translation to Nepali and we are not been able to
> get the translated strings in nepali and we are glad that now it is being
> ported to Gnome2/gtk+
> Could we get the latest build with UTF-8 support so that we can start checking
> our translation.
> Thanks in advance
> How can we contribute coz we are not developers and don't have knowledge of C
> programming.
> regards,
> pawan
> On 9/26/05, Didier Vidal <didier-devel at> wrote:
> Le dim 25/09/2005 à 22:53, Derek Atkins a écrit :
> > Quoting Didier Vidal <didier-devel at>:
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > Good to hear the tests worked. That bodes well.
> >
> > > But maybe one could add a unit test in gnucash that opens a gnucash
> file
> > > with non ascii parameters, and checks that the objects are built
> > > properly. The test could even save the file and read it again, to
> check
> > > that there is no alteration in the loop.
> >
> > Unfortunately this wont work.. There's no guarantee of ordering during
> > save. It's quite possible that a Load/Save sequence (without any other
> > changes to the
> > data) will NOT necessarily produce the exact same bit-for-bit version of
> the
> > datafile. The objects could have a different order within the XML
> > document. So, this kind of comparison can't be done (easily).
> I was not thinking of making a diff two the files. Even if the order was
> the same, libxml may produce changes (for instance escaping or not a
> char). I was thinking of checking the gnucash objects re-read from the
> file.
> pseudo code:
> for each test file (you could cover various initial encodings) {
> read the file
> check object's values (for instance account names) check that they
> are read as expected
> save the file (in a different location of course, to keep the master
> test file clean)
> read the saved file
> check the object's values
> }
> >
> > > Didier.
> >
> > -derek
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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