GnuCash Guide CH8

Bengt Thuree bengt at
Fri Apr 21 00:08:16 EDT 2006

On Fr, 2006-04-21, 11:45, Dave Herman skrev:

> I remember checking this, no idea where "Starting Balances" was found.

It was in the original Guide.

>> So perhaps just (which is what you have in Expenses)

>> 	Income

>>   	  Investement

>> 	    Capital Gains

>>               I*Trade



> I'm mixed about the order, the current mirrors the asset segment of the

> tree, I have the Income:Cap Gains (long): Broker Account in my personal

> file.  The text discusses using the Income: Broker:Cap Gains as

> simplifying the generation on reports to match what the Broker sends.  I

> would want to balance

> that report against the Tax Report which I find is one of the most

> useful reports (just compare it vs Q....... tax reports).

I am all for showing two orders.

a) Very basic setup, for not to much tracking and report features.

   But probably needs to explain which reports are possible and which are

b) A good compromize on maximum detailed, which works with the current
various reports.

   That is calculates correctly by using dividends, commissions, sales etc.

   Ok, I have not checked the reports, so I do not know what is possible
or not.

>> 5.1 Screenshot do not match text. Equity:Opening Balances vs

>> Equity:Starting

>> 	I am having some problem matching the instruction in the text with the

>> screenshot.

>> 		transfer from Equity:Opening Balances, Shares (eg: 100), and Price

>> (eg:

>> $20).

>> 	This sounds like one transaction, but it is two.

>> 	How about commission?



> I was avoiding Commissions ( and splits) until the selling section -

> should commissions be introduced here?

Splits have been introduced in chapter 4 (or thereabout)

I can not buy a stock without paying commission. Of course, you can choose
not to track the commission, and set a corresponding lower stock price,
but personally I would like to track this small things...

> Not sure how I got "Equity:Starting"  with the account "Equity:Starting

>> 5.2	Commission? Some people wants to track it, and some don't. Perhaps

>> we

>> should show how to track it?



> Other members thoughts ?

I mean, it is not to easy to do this things, since you have to do it
manually. A lot of people will have previous experience with Money or
Quicken, and it is easy to track them there, and a no brainer to input
them when you buy/sell the stock. Therefore I think it needs to be
described, and left to the user if he/she wants to implement it.

>> 6.3	GnuCash will not display the "Get Quotes" button, as well as the

>> tick

>> box for online quotes

>> 		if F:Q is not installed.



>> 6.3.2	I am still missing clarification on the syntax and what

>> $HOME/gnucash.xac is.

>> 		Especially since the main datafile is called gnucash or rather

>> GuideInvestExample in this case.


>> 6.4 Options button?



> Don't understand this ??
Where do you see an "Options button" in the screenshot?
Isn't the gnucash.xac a backup, and not the real datafile. Have you
verified the crontab command


>> 8 Would be nice with two examples with screenshots for dividend with

> Working on these - That is why there is mention of NSTAR (NST) they pay

Brilliant :)

>> By the way, the XML file is invalid (according to XMLmind) I think

>> something is of in 4.2

Also invalid according to "xmllint --valid --noout ch_invest.xml" as per



> Really - I build the "standard" HTML files with "sudo make all install"

> in the ./gnucash-doc-svn directory.

> Works here - however I did a svn update today and downloaded a number of

> files.  When I try to MAKE I get

> a number of errors, never completes.  The files have <<<<<< & >>>>>>

> throughout.

I added a dtd to the ch_invest.xml temporarily so I can use the external
tool like xmllint.

$ head -4 ch_invest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"

$ xmllint --valid --noout ch_invest.xml
ch_invest.xml:588: element sect1: validity error : Element sect1 content
does not follow the DTD, expecting (sect1info? , (title , subtitle? ,
titleabbrev?) , (toc | lot | index | glossary | bibliography)* ,
(((calloutlist | glosslist | itemizedlist | orderedlist | segmentedlist |
simplelist | variablelist | caution | important | note | tip | warning |
literallayout | programlisting | programlistingco | screen | screenco |
screenshot | synopsis | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis |
fieldsynopsis | constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | methodsynopsis
| formalpara | para | simpara | address | blockquote | graphic | graphicco
| mediaobject | mediaobjectco | informalequation | informalexample |
informalfigure | informaltable | equation | example | figure | table |
msgset | procedure | sidebar | qandaset | anchor | bridgehead | remark |
highlights | abstract | authorblurb | epigraph | indexterm | beginpage)+ ,
(refentry* | sect2* | simplesect*)) | refentry+ | sect2+ | simplesect+) ,
(toc | lot | index | glossary | bibliography)*), got (title para sect2
note sect2 )
ch_invest.xml:690: element caption: validity error : Element caption
content does not follow the DTD, expecting (calloutlist | glosslist |
itemizedlist | orderedlist | segmentedlist | simplelist | variablelist |
caution | important | note | tip | warning | literallayout |
programlisting | programlistingco | screen | screenco | screenshot |
formalpara | para | simpara | blockquote)*, got (CDATA)
ch_invest.xml:924: element screenshot: validity error : ID
invest_sellstock already defined
        <screenshot id="invest_sellstock">
ch_invest.xml:1018: element screenshot: validity error : ID
invest_sellstockLoss already defined
 <screenshot id="invest_sellstockLoss">
After some checking I found that one of the <note> was not inside <sect>
 <para>If you want to track income (dividends/interest/capital gains) on a
per-stock or fund basis, you will need to create an
Income:Dividends:STOCKSYMBOL, Income:Cap Gain (Long):STOCKSYMBOL,
Income:Cap Gain (Short):STOCKSYMBOL and Income:Interest:STOCKSYMBOL
account for each stock you own that pays dividends or interest.</para>
After moving the </sect2> to after the note it validated.

Found one more thing by the way, change "->" to "-&gt;" (to navigate in
the menu for instance)



> Screenshots aren't bad with gimp, sequential are .....

Which is why I changed so the screenshots inside the chapter do not have
to follow anything but the current example. But the Put Together Session,
has to start from the last Put Together Session.
The Invest chapter do not have a Put Together though...


> Dave



If you want, send me the XML file, and I can clean it up for you by using
XMLmind... and send it back. Check the files I submitted (ch1-6) for sample.


Bengt Thuree   bengt at

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