Build failure: Ubuntu 6.06 CVS
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 10 13:38:49 EDT 2006
David Hampton <hampton-gnucash at> writes:
> On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 13:18 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> You've got the debian-broken libtool. I bet you're not pulling
>> in libcore-utils.
>> I'll also point out that this is a bug that "core-utils" now depends
>> on gtk. That shouldn't have happened. This code should go into
>> gnome-utils.
> I disagree. I created the core-utils directory as a place to put code
> that augments the core gxxx libraries (glib, gconf, etc. including gtk),
> but doesn't have anything to do with GnuCash proper. The gnc_cbe_xxx
> functions have nothing to do with GnuCash, and everything to do with
> requiring a GtkComboBox to always match an entry in the completion. At
> some point I'd like to try and push them into the gtk itself.
> I would have accepted your argument that this code should be in a
> gtk/gnome specific directory if gnucash was still trying to be UI
> neutral, but that requirement fell by the wayside before I joined the
> development group. As far as I'm concerned, gtk is part of the core
> library set that gnucash is built on.
The build system (and directory structure) is divided into two
parts: UI-independent and UI-dependent code. Everything early on
(core-utils, gnc-module, engine) is completely UI independent.
Yes, it uses glib, but it doesn't use gtk, Qt, Motif, or anything
like that.
I still believe that we're trying to be UI Neutral. Think
"command-line application" (e.g. cashutil). Right now cashutil
doesn't need to link against gtk, and I don't think it should. Making
"engine" depend on gtk would force apps like cashutil to link against
gtk when they have no intension of even HAVING a Graphical User
Or.. posit a web-based application that some people have been
discussing. Why require GTK for something that's just going to emit
For what it's worth, I still believe in UI neutrality of the core
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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