report/view-column make-internal-option "report-list"

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 17 10:28:49 EDT 2006


A couple of things.  First, you haven't said what you're
really trying to do.  I don't see why you need to copy the
report to "figure how it works."  Second, did you change the
name of your new report?  Third, are you properly loading your
new report?  Fourth, it's possible that there is C code that
specifically works with the Multicolumn report, so you may
need to look there, too.


Larry Evans <cppljevans at> writes:

> I've copied view-column to scratch.scm to try and figure
> how it works.  However, the "Contents" tab no longer
> shows when attempting to modify options.
> The code for view-column has:
>      ;; the report-list is edited by a special add-on page for the
>      ;; options editor.
>      (opt-register
>       (gnc:make-internal-option
>        "__general" "report-list" '()))
> When I change the last 2 lines to:
>       (gnc:make-internal-option
>        "__general" "report-list" '() #f))
> I get the expected error about wrong number of args; hence,
> I know that the "report-list" option is being registered.
> I've looked at the make-internal-option in scm/options.scm;
> however, that lead me to gnc:restore-form-generator, but
> that didn't improve my understanding either.
> I'd appreciate any suggestions about how to figure out why
> the "report-list" option is showing up when I ask to change
> the options.

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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