Are we ready for the 2.0.0 release in mid-May?

Chris Shoemaker c.shoemaker at
Tue May 2 00:22:16 EDT 2006

On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 11:16:39AM +0200, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear developers,
> I'd like to have a short discussion about the planned 2.0.0 release
> date, and which prerequisites have to be fulfilled so that we can
> actually make that release.
> The Goal of 2.0.0 as written on
> was as follows: "For the
> first 2.0.0 release the plan is to finish porting those parts of gnucash
> that have already been started (i.e. new windowing system, account tree,
> commodities tree, etc.), but not to port any additional features unless
> absolutely required." Seems like we pretty much achieved this goal,
> didn't we? Great work, everyone!
> So now we should discuss the last specific issues that need to be
> resolved before we can release 2.0.0. In other words, which "blockers"
> do we need to resolve before 2.0.0? It is probably most suitable simply
> record them as "blocker" in bugzilla.
> currently lists
> only one blocker. I'd like to ask everyone to go through the other
> (critical, major, normal) bugs and look for ones that *must* be resolved
> before 2.0.0. Then mark those as a blocker -- if others think those are
> not a blocker for 2.0.0, we can discuss that directly in bugzilla. For
> example, is probably a
> blocker as well.
> Additionally, we should think a little bit about the newly introduced
> features and whether they are ready for showtime already. Specifically,
> are the "budgeting"-related features really working good enough? If they
> are not, then we should probably disable the respective menu/toolbar
> items and re-enable slightly later. I don't know the budgeting code and
> features; I only know the new mt940 importer. That one has reportedly
> been tested and is simple enough so that I would claim it is ready for
> 2.0.0. Any thoughts about the various other new features?

Regarding budgets, I think they're working well enough to leave
enabled.  I don't know of any budget misbehavior.  Since budgets are
new, there's not much user-expectation to live up to so I don't think
we have to worry about impressions.  Right now, budgets do pretty much
everything I need them to, so if they don't get more exposure, and
people describing any aditional features they want, I've got nothing
more to change.

> Because *if* there are only 1-3 blocker issues left right now, IMHO we
> will be able to actually make the 2.0.0 release on May 14th, which is
> just over two weeks from now! If we decide to do this, we should already
> announce that plan in the upcoming 1.9.6-announcement. And those of use
> who are not working on those last blockers can spend some time on the
> necessary PR work... like, trying to update, preparing a
> 2.0.0 press release ,
> and so on...

IMO, there are no known outstanding bugs that should prevent a 2.0
release.  The SQL backend situation is _very_ unfortunate, but making
it usable would require fixing several major bugs, and no one seems to
be working on it.  I think we should officially declare it unsupported
in 2.0.

However, I'm still not sure if a mid-May release will work because,
IMO, we absolutely shouldn't release a 2.0 without a correspondingly
updated website.  I've seen the web-site redesigns floating around for
months.  They're good designs; we just have to make them happen.


> I think we can do it! Eventually gnucash2 is coming! Thanks everyone for
> your hard work! Yesss!
> Christian
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> =Ngud
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