Splash Screen Revisited

Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art faceman at impressusart.com
Sat May 20 12:59:52 EDT 2006

Ok, makes sense, but is it okay if I use "2" for the money and credit
card graphics, which probably nobody will really see anyway since
they're so small?

If it needs to be changed later, for version 3 it can be easily done,
since it's in svg.

Maybe it will make more sense once I upload some new things I'm working on.


Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting David Hampton <hampton-gnucash at rainbolthampton.net>:
>> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 21:11 -0500, Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art
>> wrote:
>>> http://www.impressusart.com/download/splash2.png
>> My only concern is that it explicitly says "version 2.0".  That means
>> that the splash screen will have to be updated with each release (2.1,
>> 2.2, etc).  I'm hoping these will be much more frequent than the time
>> interval between 1.8 and 2.0.
> Good point..  the window surrounding the splash screen already has
> the version number so we don't really need the version# in the graphic.
>> David
> -derek

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