Splash Screen Revisited

Beth Leonard beth at oasis.slimy.com
Sat May 20 23:39:18 EDT 2006

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 09:11:05PM -0500, Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art wrote:
> I tried to make a stock tape, but it's not very good.  However, you
> can't see a whole lot at that size.  So here are a couple more.
> http://www.impressusart.com/download/splash2.png
> http://www.impressusart.com/download/splash3.png
> http://www.impressusart.com/download/splash4.png
> http://www.impressusart.com/download/banner2.png

I have a slight preference for banner 1 over banner 2
(slightly bigger font relative to the bank card), but
both look good to me.

Someone else wanted an entirely plain background, and I disagree.
A background needs to have something in it, something that doesn't
distract from the foreground, but blank/solid is not appealing
from an aesthetic standpoint.

Splash2 is my favorite.

One of the logos (logo.png) gave me the impression that the squiggly
line behind the GnuCash text was the shadow of the text.  I don't
know what tools you have to work with but something that basically
cast the shadow of the text with about the same footprint might
be cool and/or better for the people who don't like the line
as is.  (I think it's fine as is.)

I'm thinking not a direct shadow but one where the sun is near
the horizon to the left casting a shadow on a glass plane floating
beneath the letters, so that from the elevated viewer's perspective
of a 2-D image it still goes in about the same places as the
current squiggle: behind as well as below the letters.

+                             Beth Leonard                          +
+       O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave              +
+       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?        +

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