gnucash 1.8.8

Karen Beasley karen_beasley at
Tue Oct 17 00:39:47 EDT 2006


I have a problem.  When I went to reconcile my checking account today, 
the beginning balance displayed was different than the ending balance 
was last month.  I have no idea how or why this happened (whether it was 
something I did or a bug in the program), but more importantly, I have 
no idea how to fix it. 

I have been using gnucash for more than a year and this has never 
happened before.  Is there anything I can do to recover the old ending 
balance in a way that will allow me to reconcile my account accurately?

I'm running version 1.8.8 on Suse 9.2.  (and yes, we are planning to 

Any ideas?  Or can you refer me to someone who might know?  Thank-you 
for any help you can offer.

Karen Beasley

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