2.1.0 Release

Nathan Buchanan nbinont at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 00:57:09 EDT 2007

Hi Chris!

Just saw that you released 2.1.0 (unstable). I'm thinking I better add some
windows binaries for this too. (because in all honesty, most windows users
probably won't have a clue what to do with tar.gz / tar.bz2 files)

What revision did you use? Do you expect to update the source files you
released often?  I guess I'm really asking how we normally do things, as I'm
still getting the hang of things. (I eventually should get the script to
build from a tarball)

I downloaded gnucash-2.1.0.tar.gz and noticed that the root folder seems to
be "gnucash-2.1.0." - with a trailing period. This does not seem to work in
windows. Windows trims off the trailing period and tar gets totally
confused. Could we not release tarballs that contain folders with trailing


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