GnuCash 2.1.2 directions

Nathan Buchanan nbinont at
Fri Aug 31 13:46:34 EDT 2007

On 8/31/07, Patrik Lermon <patrik at> wrote:
> On 8/31/07, Wm Stewart <wstewart at> wrote:
> >
> > Good problem solving - however two issues:
> >
> >    * You used V2.2.1 whereas I used V2.1.2.
> Oops... Sloppy reading (or memory). Sorry.

> >    * In the middle of my GNUCash installations it stopped while my
> firewall
> > asked for permission for "gnucash-bin.exe" to access the IP.  If refused
> > the installation continues but the problem reoccurs, and if allowed the
> > installation continues and the problem goes away.
> >
> > In other words, this might not be a virus, but it is definitely
> happening,
> > it was replicated by me and Manuel, and it is somewhere in
> gnucash-bin.exe.
> >  Can you try again on a new Win XP box, but with V2.1.2?
> Well, if the problem is not in the latest version, then it's not that
> important (in my opinion).

Version 2.1.2 is from the unstable development line 2.1.x, when windows
support was still being added. Much has changed since then until we released
the stable 2.2.x line. I don't think anyone is advised to use the unstable
version now that the stable version is available.

If the 2.2.x line does this as well then we could have a problem, but that
doesn't seem to be the case based on Patric Lermon's testing with the latest
version. It's possible that whatever was causing the problem has been fixed


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