g-wrap-1.9.7 breaks gnucash [WAS: Re: Problem starting gnucash]

Josh Sled jsled at asynchronous.org
Fri Jan 19 10:44:20 EST 2007

On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 19:11 -0500, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 18:21 -0500, warlord at MIT.EDU wrote:
> > What version of guile?
> > What version of g-wrap?
> > 
> > If you're using g-wrap 1.9.7, can you uninstall that, install g-wrap 1.9.6,
> > and then completely rebuild gnucash and try again?
> What you'll (very likely) find -- as I just did -- is that it works with
> g-wrap-1.9.6.

See <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158251#c10> for some
gentoo-specific noise about combinations of guile, slib, g-wrap and
gnucash versions.  Two things that don't seem to be gentoo-specific,
though, are:

- guile-1.6.7 -> 1.6.8 breaks slib-3.1.1 (without revised packaging of
slib-3.1.1, at least).

- g-wrap-1.9.7 breaks gnucash.

<http://bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?id=107455&action=view> contains
details of the differences in file-system layout between
g-wrap-1.9.{6,7}.  Chris had a good question in IRC, if the generated
wrapers are different.  I'll try to look into this before I leave for
work next week, but don't that prevent anyone else from doing the
same. :)

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org;echo ${a}@${b}
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