Comment on interface

JT Justman jt at
Sat Jul 7 17:11:07 EDT 2007

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> the best window to leave open for this purpose is the "Aging"
> reports. These give you links to the specific vendor/customer reports
> and then you may click on the individual invoice to edit it *or* if
> you need a new invoice, click on any one invoice, then hit Alt-f n i
> to get a new invoice in two clicks and three keystrokes.

Andrew -

This is a step in the right direction. I hadn't used the reports much. I
also didn't realize that I could do File->New->Invoice and get the
customer pre-filled if I already had an invoice open. That is a nice start.

Thanks for the tip!


E-Mail: jt at
Cell:   (541) 543-4888
Skype:  jt.justman

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