[Gnucash-fr] Special Translations for Windows menu items, anyone?

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Sun Jul 8 14:48:37 EDT 2007

Am Sonntag, 8. Juli 2007 18:54 schrieb Pierre-Antoine:
> > À la communauté francophone:  Est-ce qu'un volontaire peut en faire la
> > relecture et apporter les corrections requises ?
> A few small corrections

Merci beaucoup.

I've committed this to SVN. You can see the resulting file at 

Also, if anyone is interested in translating the special README file that was 
mentioned there, you can find the english version at 
http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/doc/README.win32-bin.txt - 
you can think of this file as an excerpt of the "normal" README file, 
including only that information that is interesting to someone who has just 
installed the Windows binary.



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