gnucash 2.2.0 this weekend? Which dates precisely?

Leonardo Fontenelle leo.fontenelle at
Wed Jul 11 20:44:33 EDT 2007

What is the last day we can send translations? In 24 or probably 48
hours I can gather other translators' work and have 81,% of GnuCash
translated to pt_BR, and with 72 to 92 hours I'll probably be able to
send  complete translation. (And no, I didn't forget the
windows-specific part.)

Leonardo Fontenelle

2007/7/11, Nathan Buchanan <nbinont at>:
> On 7/10/07, Christian Stimming <stimming at> wrote:
> >
> > Chris, Nathan, and all,
> >
> > I think we're ready for 2.2.0. We've fixed a whole number of Windows bugs;
> > we
> > reduced the showstoppers on Windows to a minimum; and we've fixed a
> > significant number of overall bugs as well. I think we can go ahead and
> > release 2.2.0 at the next date that seems fit.
> Great!
> As discussed earlier, we want to send the announcement out when not only the
> > sources are uploaded, but the Windows binary is available as well. @Nathan
> > and @Chris: which of the schedules at
> > seems good to you?
> > Or,
> > if not this weekend, which of the following weekends would work good?
> I think the second option sounds better "Alternatively, if the announcement
> should be sent out on a Sunday, here's how we could schedule this: Source
> package is tagged in SVN and uploaded on Thursday, July 12th. Binary package
> is created and uploaded by Saturday, July 14th (and needs to be copied to
> as well). Announcement is sent out on Sunday, July 15th."
> But I am flexible. Chris - If you could let us know when you are aiming at
> having the tarball up (date and, if possible, morning, evening, etc), I can
> minimize my response time in creating the binary.
> I'll try to hang out on IRC a bit more in the coming days.
> Nathan
> Once you've pointed out the dates that work, we'll agree on the final
> > schedule. And then we'll have the GnuCash-On-All-Systems release! That's
> > extremely cool.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Christian
> >
> --
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