Another release candidate 2.1.5

Christian Stimming stimming at
Tue Jun 26 05:28:05 EDT 2007

Quoting Andreas Köhler < at>:
> Am Montag, den 25.06.2007, 11:28 -0400 schrieb Derek Atkins:
>> Josh Sled <jsled at> writes:
>> > Christian Stimming <stimming at> writes:
>> >> * Should we have another "release candidate" version (2.1.5)   
>> next weekend?
>> >> That would result in the final 2.2.0 around July 15th.
>> >
>> > I think (at least) a 2.1.5 is advisable.
> I do not have a strong option about that.

I think the proposal for another 2.1.5 is good; we've already fixed a  
number of bugs already so that we should have another release  
candidate for testing available. has been updated accordingly.

>> * re-add a qof_entity_get_guid() API
>> * revert the calls that were changed to qof_instance_get_guid()
> Should be done as of r16212.  Feel free to verify that.

Thanks so much! This is great work!

> I have a few other open issues but hope to finish them soon.  It would
> be cool if we had a list of release blockers bugs though.

All release blockers should be recorded in bugzilla and marked with  
milestone=2.2.0. IMHO that's a clear enough list.



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