finance::quote finally working for me in Windows

David Reiser dbreiser at
Wed May 2 10:05:03 EDT 2007

On 2 May 2007, at 4:30:29 AM, Andreas Köhler wrote:

> Hi David,
> David Reiser schrieb:
>> The majority of the answer seems to be: clean(er) build. I had  
>> 'perl / c/soft/gnucash/inst/bin/gnc-fq-helper' working from a  
>> command line  prompt, but it f::q wouldn't work inside gnucash. I  
>> threw away the  build and inst directories and rebuilt gnucash  
>> (with a minor tweak to and it works.
> Interesting.  But you mean the build of GnuCash, right?  At least  
> the autotools cease to build with ActivePerl.

build of GnuCash - yes. Does the autotools problem mean I'll have to  
hide ActivePerl if faced with rebuilding autotools?

>> The minor tweak results from the behavior that the response to:
>> PERL -MConfig -e 'print $Config{"archlibexp"}'
>> is C:\Perl\lib instead of /c/Perl/lib
>> That perl command is how configure sets PERLINCL for numerous   
>> makefiles. If PERLINCL doesn't get set with a unix style path,  
>> the  build stops with
>> Making all in quotes
>> make[3]: Entering directory `/c/soft/gnucash/build/src/quotes'
>> rm -f gnc-fq-check.tmp
>> sed < ../../../repos/src/quotes/ > gnc-fq-check.tmp \
>>              -e 's:@-PERL-@:/c/Perl/bin/perl:g' \
>>              -e 's:@-PERLINCL-@:C:\Perl\lib:g'
>> sed: -e expression #3, char 18: Unknown option to 's'
>> The tweak was to add --with-perl-includes=/c/Perl/lib to the  
>> gnucash  configure command in Certainly not a good  
>> general  solution, but at least it demonstrated that most of my  
>> problem was a  crufty install folder.
>> How does the standard windows build get @-PERL-@ right, but not @-  
> PERL is found by AC_PATH_PROG by looking at the path.  PERLINCL is  
> returned by perl itself, i.e. ActivePerl will give you  
> backslashes.  My question rather is whether we need that line.
> I would prefer the currently used perl, just because it works.   
> There are only two problems with Finance::Quote:
> * When starting from within MSYS, /bin/perl is chosen
> * When starting from gnucash.bat, each time you retrieve a quote a  
> command window is opened for perl is opened as long as it runs
> Both problems can solved by using an environment variable like  
> GNC_PERL (no, it does not work yet).  The value could be /c/perl/ 
> bin/perl or wperl, respectively.  I still wonder whether there is  
> way to use GNC_PERL without
> * depending on the existence of wperl
> * using gnucash.bat, because actually I want to get rid of it
> * polluting the users environment variables without telling him  
> (install-fq-mods.bat could ask and try, or recommend doing it  
> yourself)
> Any idea?

As for polluting the user's environment, I think Microsoft does that  
with many of their software addons, so we're not really all that  
unusual. I think that being more explicit and calling it  
GnuCash_Perl, or even GnuCash_Perl_Path (all caps, if necessary)  
would help. That way if anyone does go digging in their environment  
in a Windows control panel, it will be more obvious where the  
variable came from.

I think install-fq-mods.bat should do the work, maybe even without  
telling the user, but certainly not asking the user to do it manually.

>> Dave
> -- andi5
David Reiser
dbreiser at

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