goffice-0.4.0 available, but configure script doesn't recognize it

Josh Sled jsled at asynchronous.org
Sat May 5 19:09:52 EDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-05-06 at 00:59 +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> FYI: The new stable release of goffice, 0.4.0, is out, but gnucash's
> configure script only recognizes the old 0.2 and the development 0.3
> branches.

It looks like a pretty trivial change to configure.in to look for a
different package name/version of goffice, around line 1103.

I wonder why the package name changed, and if that implies it's not
compatible.  Do you care to make the change, try it out and see if it
still builds, if not runs?  The only place we make use of goffice is in
the graphing.

Otherwise, I'll probably wait until it at least becomes available in
Gentoo ~x86, which should be pretty quick.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org; echo ${a}@${b}
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