r16077 - gnucash/trunk/src - Add gnc_history_remove_file, call it if the history file cannot be loaded, #388500.

Dan Widyono dan at widyono.net
Mon May 14 16:57:50 EDT 2007

> Well, I disagree about which is more common. I think almost all users will 
> have a 'testing' file in the list. Probably just the one, but it's still 
> there.

My 2 cents: I think most *developers* will have a "testing" file.  Everyone I
know who uses finance software does not have a "testing" file; instead, they
have just one file -- the active one.

Don't least-often-used files simply slip silently off the history list if you
have "too many" entries?  You could have a preference setting for how many
are "too many".

You could also have a context-sensitive right-click menu for deleting a
history entry... manually.

Dan W.

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