missing documentation

Tim Wunder tim at thewunders.org
Sat Jan 5 08:17:46 EST 2008

On Saturday 05 January 2008 12:05:19 am Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 23:40 -0500, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > You asked why direct connect would be used. I answered with my use case.
> > If that doesn't suit you, so be it. It /helps/ me keep a better eye on my
> > credit card than keying in paper receipts did.
> Apparently the conversation has gotten confused.

apparently... probly my fault.

> I was asking actually what it *did*, not whether people found it useful.
> I'm certain people find it useful or it wouldn't be there.
> Then I said, "it doesn't help with reconciliation" (per se), which still
> seems to be true, and there was then confusion about what reconciliation
> is.  So I clarified that.

It clears existing transactions through transaction matching and enters (and 
clears) non-existent transactions. Reconciling cleared transactions is 
automatic. I guess it can be thought of as a pre-reconciliation reconciling. 
So yes, it does help with reconciliation. Any cleared transactions in the 
statement period are automatically marked as reconciled in the reconcile 

> And then, somehow, you seem to have thought I was trying to argue it was
> useless or something like that.  Not sure how that happened, but that
> wasn't actually what I said.

One of those cases where what was said (written) wasn't what was heard (read). 
My bad.

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