r16802 - gnucash/branches/2.2/po - [r16782] Move distributed qif source files into POTFILES.ignore, fixes make distcheck.

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Tue Jan 8 15:09:00 EST 2008

Am Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008 14:41 schrieb Derek Atkins:
> >> So I wonder if it wouldn't just be better to #ifdef the code.
> >> Or does the gettext stuff ignore that?
> >
> > The gettext extraction ignores any #ifdef conditionals -- it doesn't have
> > a C pre-processor, only a lexical parser. I think the easiest way to
> > ensure this doesn't get forgotten is to have the menu item string in one
> > of those files as well. An untranslated menu item is found rather quickly
> > once it actually shows up in the program.
> >
> > Thanks a lot for this!
> So you're saying we should just remove the _ or N_ from the
> non-distributed files for now?  (well, I'd suggest "comment-out"
> instead of "remove").

No, I'm saying andi5's patch solved the situation. The files are unchanged, 
i.e. ready to be translated, but andi5's patch makes our 
make-gnucash-potfiles ignore the files from po/POTFILES.ignore (as well as 
those from po/POTFILES.skip) and this resolved this situation.

Once someone uses those files, the entries in po/POTFILES.ignore need to be 


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