Guile bug could affect Windows users

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Jan 23 08:04:20 EST 2008

>To all Scheme/Guile developers:
>Although the "dirname" and "basename" procedures are not currently used in
>any GnuCash source code (.scm files), please be aware that these procedures
>do not work properly in Guile 1.6.8 (the version recommended for GnuCash)
>running on mingw. This affects those of us who have a Windows build
>environment. If you are writing new Scheme code, I would suggest that these
>procedures be avoided, at least for now.
>I reported the bug on the Guile mailing list a few days ago, along with a
>patch to fix it, but haven't heard anything back yet.
I am slightly confused here. Please correct which of my assumptions is 

a) Guile is some sort of LISP dialect.
b) Two of its "built in" functions are incorrect (ones in the set of 
predefined functions and/or procedures)
c) We, more precisely some among us, know what the correct definitions 
should be.

Why would this have to wait till THEY (the Guile folks) made a 
correction to the base system Guile? Could we not publish the correct 
definitions? It's been a LONG time(many decades) since I did anything 
with any LISP dialect (and even then just playing/learning; nobody ever 
paid me to produce LISP programs). But I pretty strongly recall that if 
anything is defined in an "environment" the evaluation will not use a 
definition from any surrounding environment  -- in other words, names 
are not unique and the most local definition is used.

In other words, were some source code (.scm file) being evaluated 
incorrectly, prepend to that file the two corrected definitions.


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