QIF Importer

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 29 09:52:02 EST 2008

"Ian Lewis" <ianmlewis at gmail.com> writes:

> Charles,
> I've mostly been playing with the generic importer and seeing how that could
> be applied to the QIF importer. Nothing practical really. At least at this
> point. While the generic importer would allow the reuse of dialogs, the QIF
> importer requires a relatively high amount of user interaction. The generic
> importer isn't a druid so this would mean showing lots of popups. I'm
> currently at kind of at a loss for how it would best be done so that it
> wouldn't be a worse user experience than what we currently have and without
> introducing too many bugs. I probably need to have a conversation with you
> and/or Derek about it. I wouldn't wait for me necessarily.

What I had in mind was druidizing the generic importer.  Pull the
dialog into a druid page and build the importer around it.  I even
went so far as to build a druid-builder infrastructure so you could
build a full druid (generically) from a bunch of druid pages at
runtime, and reuse those pages in multiple druids.  So, for example,
the QIF druid could get built using a different set of pages than,
say, the OFX importer druid, because OFX doesn't need e.g. the date or
number format disambiguity feedback, etc.

However, doing this for the CURRENT qif importer would be fairly
problematic, I think.

> I didn't see this bugs before so if you are averse to looking at the C side
> of things I could take a look at them. I'm familiar enough at this point
> with how the druid works to be able to fix something like these but you're
> probably even more famaliar with C than I am. Are they holding you up from
> making other changes?

I think Charles' issue is that there are so many outstanding patches
that continuing on from now the patches would get confusing as he has
a patch on a patch.  Charles, you could get fix this by using
something like svk, where you could commit your changes to a local
branch, or using git-svn (where you can commit your changes to a local

Just a suggestion.  I'm not going to be able to get to all your
work until this weekend at the earliest.

> Ian


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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