Add Additional Column to Register Report (PATCH INCLUDED)

Charles Day cedayiv at
Tue Jun 24 12:45:03 EDT 2008

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Charles Day <cedayiv at> wrote:

> Thanks. Since you've already added the "memo" changes, I'll forget about
> the patch and try to test this version later today.
Robert, did you realize that the register report already shows memos if the
"Description" display option is checked? It puts them on the split lines
underneath the "Description" heading.

Checking or unchecking the new "Memo" option that you've added didn't seem
to make any difference to the report output in my testing. I don't even see
a new column heading, for example. Perhaps (opt-val "__reg" "journal") is
always evaluating to #t for some reason. Any advice on how to get the new
column to appear?


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