problem in translation of .schemas files

Cristian Marchi cri79 at
Tue Oct 21 13:40:31 EDT 2008

   I typed "make clean" and then "make" "make install" from the source
   tree. I noticed that the .schemas file were created with the correct
   translations but in GnuCash the translations didn't change. What am I
   doing wrong??
   Christian Stimming ha scritto:

Am Montag, 20. Oktober 2008 20:25 schrieb Cristian Marchi:

I was translating some of the strings that are linked to the file
"apps_gnucash_general.schemas" and I noticed that they didn't get
translated in the program (some are translated probably from an old
version and some are in english). I noticed that this file didn't get
updated when I run "make install" from the po directory.

The strings in .schemas are not translated by the installed file, even
though their translation is included in the it.po file. Instead, when
compiling all of gnucash (running "make;make install" in the top-level
gnucash directory), some of the gtk/gnome tools will recognize each .schemas
file (more precisely the file), look up the translations for each
string in the respective .po files, and create that .schemas file that will
actually be installed.

So, yes, this is indeed only a translator's problem if you have changed the po
file but not run "make;make install" on the whole source tree.

I actually don't know whether the updates in the .po file will be picked up
by "make" alone; maybe, if you repeatedly do this, you need to call "make
clean" and then "make".


Let me know if this is only my problem.
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