Italian guide update

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sat Oct 25 04:26:44 EDT 2008

Hi Cristian,

Am Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008 21:20 schrieb Cristian Marchi:
>  Oooppps...sorry for that: i forgot to attach the files!
>  Here is the patch of the patch...I hope is ok!

right, now all is included. Committed this to SVN.

>  I also attached the images for the guide. Is it possible to use svn diff
> for images??

I've committed your images all into the guide/it_IT/figures directory. Thanks 
a lot!

Hm, I thought "svn diff" would be able to add images and image modifications 
into the patch file, but apparently this doesn't work. If you used git-svn , the result of "git format-patch" does 
indeed contain changes to binary files, but plain svn obviously doesn't 
handle this.

Hence, for now the easiest solution for you is to send me a zip or tar.gz 
archive of all added and changed image files. I think you can also just send 
me a zip or tar.gz of the full figures/ directory, in case this is easier 
than picking all single modifications. Whichever is easiest for you.

Thank you very much for your contribution!


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