[RFC][PATCH] Support for line charts in reports

Sven Henkel shenkel at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 11:27:36 EDT 2008


I needed a line chart for a custom report and was surprised to find
that it is currently not supported by Gnucash. Line charts are
supported by the GOffice library, so I implemented line charts based
on the bar charts implementation (and added some new parameters for
markers and grid).

I'm not sure if line charts are of any value for the already existing
reports, but anyway I'll post it here, so you can consider to add it
to trunk.

Any feedback is welcome!

Index: src/report/report-system/html-linechart.scm
--- src/report/report-system/html-linechart.scm (revision 0)
+++ src/report/report-system/html-linechart.scm (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+;; html-linechart.scm : generate HTML programmatically, with support
+;; for simple style elements.
+;; Copyright 2008 Sven Henkel <shenkel at gmail.com>
+;; Adapted from html-barchart.scm which is
+;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at gnumatic.com>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, contact:
+;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
+;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
+;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org
+(define <html-linechart>
+  (make-record-type "<html-linechart>"
+                    '(width
+                      height
+                      title
+                      subtitle
+                      x-axis-label
+                      y-axis-label
+                      col-labels
+                      row-labels
+                      col-colors
+                      legend-reversed?
+                      row-labels-rotated?
+                      stacked?
+                      markers?
+                      major-grid?
+                      minor-grid?
+                      data
+                      button-1-line-urls
+                      button-2-line-urls
+                      button-3-line-urls
+                      button-1-legend-urls
+                      button-2-legend-urls
+                      button-3-legend-urls)))
+(define gnc:html-linechart?
+  (record-predicate <html-linechart>))
+;;  <html-linechart> class
+;;  generate the <object> form for a guppi linechart.
+(define gnc:make-html-linechart-internal
+  (record-constructor <html-linechart>))
+(define (gnc:make-html-linechart)
+  (gnc:make-html-linechart-internal -1 -1 #f #f #f #f '() '() '()
+                                  #f #f #f #f #f #f '()
+                                  #f #f #f #f #f #f))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-data
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'data))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-data!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'data))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-width
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'width))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-width!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'width))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-height
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'height))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-height!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'height))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'x-axis-label))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-x-axis-label!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'x-axis-label))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'y-axis-label))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'y-axis-label))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-row-labels
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'row-labels))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'row-labels))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated?
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'row-labels-rotated?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'row-labels-rotated?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-stacked?
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'stacked?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'stacked?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-markers?
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'markers?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-markers?!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'markers?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-major-grid?
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'major-grid?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-major-grid?!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'major-grid?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid?
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'minor-grid?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-minor-grid?!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'minor-grid?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-col-labels
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'col-labels))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'col-labels))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-col-colors
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'col-colors))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'col-colors))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed?
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'legend-reversed?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'legend-reversed?))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-title
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'title))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-title!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'title))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-subtitle
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'subtitle))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'subtitle))
+;; Note: ATM you can specify one url per column, but this url will be
+;; used for all of the rows. Otherwise we could have cols*rows urls
+;; (quite a lot), but this first requires fixing
+;; guppi_line_1_callback() in gnome/gnc-html-guppi.c .
+(define gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-1-line-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-1-line-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-2-line-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-line-urls!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-2-line-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-3-line-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-line-urls!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-3-line-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-1-legend-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-2-legend-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls
+  (record-accessor <html-linechart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
+(define gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!
+  (record-modifier <html-linechart> 'button-3-legend-urls))
+(define (gnc:html-linechart-append-row! linechart newrow)
+  (let ((dd (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart)))
+    (set! dd (append dd (list newrow)))
+    (gnc:html-linechart-set-data! linechart dd)))
+(define (gnc:html-linechart-prepend-row! linechart newrow)
+  (let ((dd (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart)))
+    (set! dd (cons newrow dd))
+    (gnc:html-linechart-set-data! linechart dd)))
+(define (gnc:html-linechart-append-column! linechart newcol)
+  (let ((colnum 0)
+        (rownum 0)
+        (rows (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart))
+        (this-row #f)
+        (new-row #f))
+    ;; find out how many cols are already there in the deepest row
+    (for-each
+     (lambda (row)
+       (let ((l (length row)))
+         (if (> l colnum)
+             (set! colnum l))))
+     rows)
+    ;; append the elements of 'newrow' to the rowumns
+    (for-each
+     (lambda (newelt)
+       ;; find the row, or append one
+       (if (not (null? rows))
+           (begin
+             (set! new-row #f)
+             (set! this-row (car rows))
+             (if (null? (cdr rows))
+                 (set! rows #f)
+                 (set! rows (cdr rows))))
+           (begin
+             (set! new-row #t)
+             (set! this-row '())))
+       ;; make sure the rowumn is long enough, then append the data
+       (let loop ((l (length this-row))
+                  (r (reverse this-row)))
+         (if (< l colnum)
+             (loop (+ l 1) (cons #f r))
+             (set! this-row
+                   (reverse (cons newelt r)))))
+       (if new-row
+           (gnc:html-linechart-append-row! linechart this-row)
+           (list-set! (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart) rownum this-row))
+       (set! rownum (+ 1 rownum)))
+     newcol)))
+(define (gnc:not-all-zeros data)
+  (define (myor list)
+    (begin
+      (gnc:debug "list" list)
+      (if (null? list) #f
+         (or (car list) (myor (cdr list))))))
+  (cond ((number? data) (not (= 0 data)))
+       ((list? data) (myor (map gnc:not-all-zeros data)))
+       (else #f)))
+(define (gnc:html-linechart-prepend-column! linechart newcol)
+  (let ((rows (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart))
+        (this-row #f)
+        (new-row #f)
+        (rownum 0))
+    (for-each
+     (lambda (elt)
+       (if (not (null? rows))
+           (begin
+             (set! new-row #f)
+             (set! this-row (car rows))
+             (if (null? (cdr rows))
+                 (set! rows #f)
+                 (set! rows (cdr rows))))
+           (begin
+             (set! new-row #t)
+             (set! this-row '())))
+       (if new-row
+           (gnc:html-linechart-append-row! linechart (list elt))
+           (list-set! (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart) rownum
+                      (cons elt this-row)))
+       (set! rownum (+ 1 rownum)))
+     newcol)))
+(define (gnc:html-linechart-render linechart doc)
+  (define (ensure-numeric elt)
+    (cond ((number? elt)
+           (exact->inexact elt))
+          ((string? elt)
+           (with-input-from-string elt
+             (lambda ()
+               (let ((n (read)))
+                 (if (number? n) n 0.0)))))
+          ((gnc:gnc-numeric? elt)
+           (gnc-numeric-to-double elt))
+          (#t
+           0.0)))
+  (define (catenate-escaped-strings nlist)
+    (if (not (list? nlist))
+        ""
+        (with-output-to-string
+          (lambda ()
+            (for-each
+             (lambda (s)
+               (let ((escaped
+                      (regexp-substitute/global
+                       #f " "
+                       (regexp-substitute/global
+                        #f "\\\\" s
+                        'pre "\\\\" 'post)
+                       'pre "\\ " 'post)))
+                 (display escaped)
+                 (display " ")))
+             nlist)))))
+  (let* ((retval '())
+         (push (lambda (l) (set! retval (cons l retval))))
+         (title (gnc:html-linechart-title linechart))
+         (subtitle (gnc:html-linechart-subtitle linechart))
+         (url-1
+          (catenate-escaped-strings
+           (gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls linechart)))
+         (url-2
+          (catenate-escaped-strings
+           (gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls linechart)))
+         (url-3
+          (catenate-escaped-strings
+           (gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls linechart)))
+         (legend-1
+          (catenate-escaped-strings
+           (gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls linechart)))
+         (legend-2
+          (catenate-escaped-strings
+           (gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls linechart)))
+         (legend-3
+          (catenate-escaped-strings
+           (gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls linechart)))
+         (x-label (gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label linechart))
+         (y-label (gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label linechart))
+         (data (gnc:html-linechart-data linechart))
+        (dummy1 (gnc:debug "data " data))
+         (row-labels (catenate-escaped-strings
+                      (gnc:html-linechart-row-labels linechart)))
+         (col-labels (catenate-escaped-strings
+                      (gnc:html-linechart-col-labels linechart)))
+         (col-colors (catenate-escaped-strings
+                      (gnc:html-linechart-col-colors linechart))))
+    (if (and (list? data)
+             (not (null? data))
+            (gnc:not-all-zeros data))
+        (begin
+          (push "<object classid=\"gnc-guppi-line\" width=")
+          (push (gnc:html-linechart-width linechart))
+          (push " height=")
+          (push (gnc:html-linechart-height linechart))
+          (push ">\n")
+          (if title
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"title\" value=\"")
+                (push title) (push "\">\n")))
+          (if subtitle
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"subtitle\" value=\"")
+                (push subtitle) (push "\">\n")))
+          (if url-1
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"line_urls_1\" value=\"")
+                (push url-1)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if url-2
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"line_urls_2\" value=\"")
+                (push url-2)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if url-3
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"line_urls_3\" value=\"")
+                (push url-3)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if legend-1
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"legend_urls_1\" value=\"")
+                (push legend-1)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if legend-2
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"legend_urls_2\" value=\"")
+                (push legend-2)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if legend-3
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"legend_urls_3\" value=\"")
+                (push legend-3)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if (and data (list? data))
+              (let ((rows (length data))
+                    (cols 0))
+                (push "  <param name=\"data_rows\" value=\"")
+                (push rows) (push "\">\n")
+                (if (list? (car data))
+                    (begin
+                      (set! cols (length (car data)))
+                      (push "  <param name=\"data_cols\" value=\"")
+                      (push cols)
+                      (push "\">\n")))
+                (push "  <param name=\"data\" value=\"")
+                (let loop ((col 0))
+                  (for-each
+                   (lambda (row)
+                     (push (ensure-numeric (list-ref-safe row col)))
+                     (push " "))
+                   data)
+                  (if (< col (- cols 1))
+                      (loop (+ 1 col))))
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if (and (string? x-label) (> (string-length x-label) 0))
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"x_axis_label\" value=\"")
+                (push x-label)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if (and (string? y-label) (> (string-length y-label) 0))
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"y_axis_label\" value=\"")
+                (push y-label)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if (and (string? col-colors) (> (string-length col-colors) 0))
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"col_colors\" value=\"")
+                (push col-colors)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if (and (string? row-labels) (> (string-length row-labels) 0))
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"row_labels\" value=\"")
+                (push row-labels)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+          (if (and (string? col-labels) (> (string-length col-labels) 0))
+              (begin
+                (push "  <param name=\"col_labels\" value=\"")
+                (push col-labels)
+                (push "\">\n")))
+         (push "  <param name=\"rotate_row_labels\" value=\"")
+         (push (if (gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated? linechart)
+                   "1\">\n"
+                   "0\">\n"))
+         (push "  <param name=\"stacked\" value=\"")
+         (push (if (gnc:html-linechart-stacked? linechart)
+                   "1\">\n"
+                   "0\">\n"))
+          (push "  <param name=\"markers\" value=\"")
+         (push (if (gnc:html-linechart-markers? linechart)
+                   "1\">\n"
+                   "0\">\n"))
+          (push "  <param name=\"major_grid\" value=\"")
+         (push (if (gnc:html-linechart-major-grid? linechart)
+                   "1\">\n"
+                   "0\">\n"))
+          (push "  <param name=\"minor_grid\" value=\"")
+         (push (if (gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid? linechart)
+                   "1\">\n"
+                   "0\">\n"))
+         (push "  <param name=\"legend_reversed\" value=\"")
+         (push (if (gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed? linechart)
+                   "1\">\n"
+                   "0\">\n"))
+          (push "Unable to push line chart\n")
+          (push "</object> &nbsp;\n"))
+        (begin
+         (gnc:warn "linechart has no non-zero data.")
+         " "))
+    retval))
Index: src/report/report-system/html-document.scm
--- src/report/report-system/html-document.scm  (revision 17665)
+++ src/report/report-system/html-document.scm  (working copy)
@@ -388,6 +388,9 @@
         ((gnc:html-scatter? obj)
          (set! o (gnc:make-html-object-internal
                   gnc:html-scatter-render obj)))
+         ((gnc:html-linechart? obj)
+          (set! o (gnc:make-html-object-internal
+                   gnc:html-linechart-render obj)))
         ((gnc:html-object? obj)
          (set! o obj))

Index: src/report/report-system/Makefile.am
--- src/report/report-system/Makefile.am        (revision 17665)
+++ src/report/report-system/Makefile.am        (working copy)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
     html-document.scm \
     html-piechart.scm \
     html-scatter.scm \
+     html-linechart.scm \
     html-style-info.scm \
     html-style-sheet.scm \
     html-table.scm \
Index: src/report/report-system/report-system.scm
--- src/report/report-system/report-system.scm  (revision 17665)
+++ src/report/report-system/report-system.scm  (working copy)
@@ -312,6 +312,63 @@
 (export gnc:html-scatter-add-datapoint!)
 (export gnc:html-scatter-render)

+;; html-linechart.scm
+(export <html-linechart>)
+(export gnc:html-linechart? )
+(export gnc:make-html-linechart-internal)
+(export gnc:make-html-linechart)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-data)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-data!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-width)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-width!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-height)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-height!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-x-axis-label!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-row-labels)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated?)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-stacked?)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-markers?)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-markers?!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-major-grid?)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-major-grid?!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid?)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-minor-grid?!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-col-labels)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-col-colors)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed?)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-title)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-title!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-subtitle)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-line-urls!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-line-urls!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-append-row!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-prepend-row!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-append-column!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-prepend-column!)
+(export gnc:html-linechart-render linechart)
 ;; html-style-info.scm

 (export make-kvtable)
@@ -606,6 +663,7 @@
 (load-from-path "html-document.scm")
 (load-from-path "html-piechart.scm")
 (load-from-path "html-scatter.scm")
+(load-from-path "html-linechart.scm")
 (load-from-path "html-style-info.scm")

 (load-from-path "html-style-sheet.scm")
Index: src/gnome-utils/gnc-html-graph-gog.c
--- src/gnome-utils/gnc-html-graph-gog.c        (revision 17665)
+++ src/gnome-utils/gnc-html-graph-gog.c        (working copy)
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@

 static int handle_piechart(gnc_html * html, GtkHTMLEmbedded * eb, gpointer d);
 static int handle_barchart(gnc_html * html, GtkHTMLEmbedded * eb, gpointer d);
+static int handle_linechart(gnc_html * html, GtkHTMLEmbedded * eb, gpointer d);
 static int handle_scatter(gnc_html * html, GtkHTMLEmbedded * eb, gpointer d);

@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
  gnc_html_register_object_handler( "gnc-guppi-pie", handle_piechart );
  gnc_html_register_object_handler( "gnc-guppi-bar", handle_barchart );
  gnc_html_register_object_handler( "gnc-guppi-scatter", handle_scatter );
+  gnc_html_register_object_handler( "gnc-guppi-line", handle_linechart );

 static double *
@@ -519,7 +521,167 @@
  return TRUE;

+ * data_rows:int
+ * data_cols:int
+ * data:doubles[], data_rows*data_cols
+ * x_axis_label:string
+ * y_axis_label:string
+ * row_labels:string[]
+ * col_labels:string[]
+ * col_colors:string[]
+ * rotate_row_labels:boolean
+ * stacked:boolean
+ * markers:boolean
+ * major_grid:boolean
+ * minor_grid:boolean
+ **/
 static gboolean
+handle_linechart(gnc_html * html, GtkHTMLEmbedded * eb, gpointer unused)
+  GogObject *graph, *chart;
+  GogPlot *plot;
+  GogSeries *series;
+  GogStyle *style;
+  GOData *label_data, *slice_data;
+  int data_rows, data_cols;
+  double *data = NULL;
+  char **col_labels = NULL, **row_labels = NULL, **col_colors = NULL;
+  gboolean rotate_row_labels = FALSE;
+  gboolean stacked = FALSE;
+  gboolean markers = FALSE;
+  gboolean major_grid = FALSE;
+  gboolean minor_grid = FALSE;
+  char *line_type = "normal";
+  gtkhtml_pre_3_10_1_bug_workaround (eb);
+  // parse data from the text-ized params
+  // series => lines [gnc:cols]
+  // series-elements => segments [gnc:rows]
+  {
+    char *data_rows_str, *data_cols_str, *data_str, *col_labels_str,
+    char *col_colors_str, *rotate_row_labels_str = NULL, *stacked_str
= NULL, *markers_str = NULL;
+    char *major_grid_str = NULL, *minor_grid_str = NULL;
+    data_rows_str         = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "data_rows");
+    data_cols_str         = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "data_cols");
+    data_str              = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "data" );
+    row_labels_str        = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "row_labels");
+    col_labels_str        = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "col_labels");
+    col_colors_str        = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "col_colors");
+    rotate_row_labels_str = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params,
+    stacked_str           = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "stacked");
+    markers_str           = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "markers");
+    major_grid_str        = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "major_grid");
+    minor_grid_str        = g_hash_table_lookup (eb->params, "minor_grid");
+    rotate_row_labels     = (gboolean) atoi (rotate_row_labels_str);
+    stacked               = (gboolean) atoi (stacked_str);
+    markers               = (gboolean) atoi (markers_str);
+    major_grid            = (gboolean) atoi (major_grid_str);
+    minor_grid            = (gboolean) atoi (minor_grid_str);
+#if 0 // too strong at the moment.
+    g_return_val_if_fail (data_rows_str != NULL
+                          && data_cols_str != NULL
+                          && data_str != NULL
+                          && col_labels_str != NULL
+                          && row_labels_str != NULL
+                          && col_colors_str != NULL, FALSE );
+#endif // 0
+    data_rows = atoi (data_rows_str);
+    data_cols = atoi (data_cols_str);
+    data = read_doubles (data_str, data_rows*data_cols);
+    row_labels = read_strings (row_labels_str, data_rows);
+    col_labels = read_strings (col_labels_str, data_cols);
+    col_colors = read_strings (col_colors_str, data_cols);
+  }
+  if (!create_basic_plot_elements("GogLinePlot", &graph, &chart, &plot)) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  gog_object_add_by_name(chart, "Legend", NULL);
+  if ( stacked ) {
+    // when stacked, we want the lines on _top_ of eachother.
+    line_type = "stacked";
+  }
+  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (plot),
+                //"vary_style_by_element",     TRUE,
+                "type",                         line_type,
+                "default-style-has-markers",   markers,
+                NULL);
+  label_data = go_data_vector_str_new ((char const * const
*)row_labels, data_rows, NULL);
+  {
+    // foreach row:
+    //   series = row
+    GdkColor color;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < data_cols; i++) {
+      GError *err = NULL;
+      series = gog_plot_new_series (plot);
+      gog_object_set_name (GOG_OBJECT (series), col_labels[i], &err);
+      if (err != NULL)
+      {
+           g_warning("error setting name [%s] on series [%d]: [%s]",
+                     col_labels[i], i, err->message);
+      }
+      g_object_ref (label_data);
+      gog_series_set_dim (series, 0, label_data, NULL);
+      go_data_emit_changed (GO_DATA (label_data));
+      slice_data = go_data_vector_val_new (data + (i*data_rows),
data_rows, NULL);
+      gog_series_set_dim (series, 1, slice_data, NULL);
+      go_data_emit_changed (GO_DATA (slice_data));
+      style = gog_styled_object_get_style (GOG_STYLED_OBJECT (series));
+      style->fill.type = GOG_FILL_STYLE_PATTERN;
+      if (gdk_color_parse (col_colors[i], &color)) {
+           style->fill.auto_back = FALSE;
+           go_pattern_set_solid (&style->fill.pattern, GDK_TO_UINT (color));
+      } else {
+           g_warning("cannot parse color [%s]", col_colors[i]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (rotate_row_labels) {
+    GogObject *object = gog_object_get_child_by_role (
+      chart, gog_object_find_role_by_name (chart, "X-Axis"));
+    style = gog_styled_object_get_style (GOG_STYLED_OBJECT (object));
+    gog_style_set_text_angle (style, 90.0);
+  }
+  if (major_grid || minor_grid) {
+    GogObject *object;
+    gog_object_add_by_name(chart,"Grid", NULL);
+    object = gog_object_get_child_by_role (chart,
gog_object_find_role_by_name (chart, "Y-Axis"));
+    if (major_grid)
+      gog_object_add_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (object),"MajorGrid", NULL);
+    if (minor_grid)
+      gog_object_add_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (object),"MinorGrid", NULL);
+  }
+  set_chart_titles_from_hash (chart, eb);
+  set_chart_axis_labels_from_hash (chart, eb);
+  // we need to do this twice for the linechart... :p
+  gog_object_update (GOG_OBJECT (graph));
+  add_pixbuf_graph_widget (eb, graph);
+  g_debug("linechart rendered.");
+  return TRUE;
+static gboolean
 handle_scatter(gnc_html * html, GtkHTMLEmbedded * eb, gpointer unused)
  GogObject *graph, *chart;
-------------- next part --------------
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