2.2.9 vs 2.3 scheduled transaction compatibility

Cristian Marchi cri79 at libero.it
Tue Aug 4 02:43:31 EDT 2009

Today I tried to make some compatibility test between Gnucash v2.2.9 and 
the latest trunk build. In detail I've used a 2.2.9 file and opened it 
up in 2.3-trunk without any problem. At this point I've modified the 
file in 2.3 and opened it back in 2.2.9. I found out that, in the 
scheduled transaction tab, all the "next occur." dates are set to 
"never". Did someone already encountered this problem, is it known? I've 
made the test in Ubuntu Jaunty 64 bit.

I've done a little search on the mailing list archive and found nothing 
about it.


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