Automated Win32 builds

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 15 11:06:06 EDT 2009

Hi Phil,

Over the weekend I worked on an automated system to build tags.
So when you tag a new release the system will build it overnight.
Note that the tag build rebuilds all the dependencies!  Also note that
if the tag build fails it currently will not upload the build log with
the failure, nor will it try again without manual intervention.

I didn't work on the "don't build the daily build if there have been no
updates" work.  I'll work on that soon when I get some more free time.

Note that all the code is in packaging/win32. :)


Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at> writes:

> Derek,
> I've been looking at the 'svn list' command and think it may have the solution:
> $ svn/bin/svn list -v
>   18053 cstim                 Apr 21 15:37 branches/
>   18114 plongsta              Jun 07 18:20 tags/
>   18115 cedayiv               Jun 08 15:37 trunk/
> You can then parse it, looking for the "trunk" line, then grab the last revision number.  If it's changed from the previous night, kick off a new build.
> $ svn/bin/svn list --xml
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <lists>
> <list
>    path="">
> <entry
>    kind="dir">
> <name>branches</name>
> <commit
>    revision="18053">
> <author>cstim</author>
> <date>2009-04-21T19:37:17.477361Z</date>
> </commit>
> </entry>
> <entry
>    kind="dir">
> <name>tags</name>
> <commit
>    revision="18114">
> <author>plongstaff</author>
> <date>2009-06-07T22:20:37.946014Z</date>
> </commit>
> </entry>
> <entry
>    kind="dir">
> <name>trunk</name>
> <commit
>    revision="18115">
> <author>cedayiv</author>
> <date>2009-06-08T19:37:37.080404Z</date>
> </commit>
> </entry>
> </list>
> </lists>
> If you prefer to get and parse XML, use "--xml" in the list command.
> "svn list" will also tell you when the "tags" directory has had something committed to it.  Then, "svn list" will give you a list of tags.  By comparing it with the previous list (which would need to be primed with the current list), you could kick off builds for new tags.
> Phil
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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