Looking for help with the reporting feature

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Thu Oct 22 07:44:11 EDT 2009

Karey Broach wrote:

>I would like to know if there is the ability to change the reporting
>criteria from a year at a time to monthly?
> I would like to be able to see monthly reports as well as yearly reports?  
> Is there any documentation on creating new reports or are the ones that are
>created the only ones that we can use.
>Ted Broach
This sort of question should really be asked on the user's list. You 
need to know how to set the date ranges on the reports? As well as alter 
all sorts of other ways in which the reports can be changed? Edit => 
Report Options   Take a look at all the things you can change and then 
get back to us with questions.


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