OS X dmg File Size

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Fri Sep 4 22:37:16 EDT 2009

On Sep 2, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Martin Preuss wrote:

> On Mittwoch, 2. September 2009, Martin Preuss wrote:
> [...]
>> For example the size of libaqbanking.dylib looks very big compared  
>> to the
>> size of the source code... E.g. on my Ubuntu 9.04 Linux the size of
>> "libaqbanking.so.29.1.2" is 1.3M, not 33M...
> [...]
> BTW: This is with debugging symbols enabled; when stripped ("strip - 
> s -S")
> libaqbanking.so.29.1.2 is 746K...

Debugging turns out to be a big chunk of the problem. A non-debugging  
app bundle comes in at 100M, about 1/3 the size of the debugging  
bundle. libaqbanking.dylib is 640K. Haven't made a .dmg of it yet, so  
I don't know what will be the ultimate download size, and I've got a  
busy weekend planned, but I should have some new images up on  
sourceforge by Tuesday.

John Ralls

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