dbus-launch in MacOSX build

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Mon Apr 5 12:34:00 EDT 2010

On Monday 5 April 2010, Mike Alexander wrote:
> --On April 5, 2010 4:14:41 PM +0200 Geert Janssens
> > According to the dbus-launch man page, a process that tries to use
> > dbus when  there's no dbus session will call dbus-launch
> > automatically. So what is the  motivation for this explicit call ?
> This is for the Quartz version of GnuCash, right? 
Indeed. I forgot to mention this.

> What version of dbus is used with that version of GnuCash?
I can't find this. John's build scripts don't set a version explicitly and I 
can't build the Mac OS X/Quartz port myself, my OSX version is too old. But I 
would presume it to be a fairly recent version.

> One should never call
> dbus-launch with the MacPorts version of dbus, and probably not with
> the Fink version although I don't use that version.  I don't think
> there is any recent version that requires an explicit call to it, and
> in most versions it is wrong to do so.
I don't have experience with MacPorts, nor Fink. How do these build 
environments deal with set gnucash-setup-env file ? Do they just use it as 
provided for the linux build ? Or do they add/modify/delete things ?
I'm asking because the gnucash-setup-env file has been eliminated and replaced 
with a configuration file (called "environment"). It is parsed early by the 
gnucash binary (before any of the environment is required).

This config file however is no longer a shell script, so if MacPorts or Fink 
did additional manipulation, this may no longer work.

> I diffed the two versions of setup-env and it looks like there is
> another problem with the osx version.  It sets, but doesn't export,
As said the gnucash-setup-env file will go away (in fact it already has since 
r18994). The replacement config file deals with it correctly.

But on to my original question: looking at the Quartz build environment, I 
notice that it provides its own launcher script that completely ignores the 
gnucash startup scripts (gnucash, gnucash-gdb,...). Does that mean that the 
quartz build doesn't use these at all ? In that case I could just as well 
eliminate those from the source as well.


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