Building Gnucash on OSX from gnucash-on-osx git repo

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Fri Apr 9 12:31:03 EDT 2010

On Friday 9 April 2010, Geert Janssens wrote:
> On Thursday 8 April 2010, John Ralls wrote:
> > Geert,
> >
> > You're building 64-bit binaries, which isn't what you want. Edit the line
> >  in .jhbuildrc-custom that says 'setup_sdk("10.5", "10.5")' to say
> >  'setup_sdk("10.5", "10.5", [i386])', make sure the "build_policy" line
> > is commented out, and start over (jhbuild bootstrap and all).
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> John,
> Thanks for helping me out on this new platform for me.
> The i386 thing seems to fix it partly (see further for the next issue). Any
> idea why my system tries to build 64-bit without interventions ? It might
>  be a good thing to add to some GnuCash/OSX specific faq. No doubt others
>  will run into this as well.
> Anyway, now I have
> 1. added ["i386"] (instead of [i386])
> 2. removed all build directories (got odd errors otherwise)
> 3. reran jhbuild bootstrap
> 4. reran jhbuild build
> Got stuck now on the step that attempts to install slib. It looks as if
>  guile is missing from my system.
> I notice that .jhbuildrc-custom explicitly skips guile (and gmp) by
>  appending them to a skip list. Is that intended ? If so, how should guile
>  normally appear on my system ?
Small correction. The skip rules are not in .jhbuildrc-custom, but in 
.jhbuildrc. .jhbuildrc-custom explicitly removes gmp from the skip list, but 
not guile. I'll try to remove guile in the same way.

If that fixes it, it might be interesting to know why guile is on the skip 
list (at least on my system).


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