Translating and redistributing

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 30 11:01:14 EDT 2010

Yawar Amin <yawar.amin at> writes:

> On 2010-08-28, at 04:18, Onan Farabi wrote:
>> Okay Thanks, I think I get it. 
>> About your quote "OR, you must clearly mention in your printed book a website where anyone can go to download the book in a Transparent electronic format, again, something like TXT or HTML." is what you mean my website or your website?
> Both.

IINAL, so what I say here is my understanding of the requirements.

There is no requirement that translations of the documentation be
provided back to us.  Similarly, there is no requirement that
modifications to the GnuCash code be provided back to us.  However the
person who distributes a modified copy must provide their modifications
to anyone who asks.  Similarly, a translation of the documentation must
provide a free copy of the modifications to anyone who asks.

So no, there's no requirement that the translation be supplied back to
us.  We suggest that it be supplied back to us, but it is not required.

As for printing it into a book and selling that; that would be fine,
just like making a CD of GnuCash and selling the CD is okay.  You're
allowed to charge for it.  Even the FSF allows that.  However you must
make the "source" available to anyone who wants it or asks for it.

So in short: We're certainly happy to take your translation, but you are
under no requirement to return it to us.  You are, however, required to
supply it on your website.  If you supply it to us then we can also
supply it on our website.

I suggest you consult a lawyer if you have specific questions or want
real legal advice.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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