Multiple Currencies

Mike Alexander mta at
Wed Dec 1 23:45:33 EST 2010

--On December 2, 2010 5:30:49 AM +0100 Martin Roennebeck 
<martin.roennebeck at> wrote:

Please reply to the list so others can see the discussion.

> Hi Mike,
> Maybe the problem is, that I am using the german language settings.
> The Currency Trading accounts do not appear in the 'normal' balance
> sheet, in the eguile version there is one line saying
> "Ausgleichsbetrag", which means something like 'difference'. This
> line matches with the Currency Trading account.
> For P&L I don't necessarily would need to see the result, since it is
> unrealised P&L and the P&L reports -so far- only show realised P&L.

Yes I was wondering about that too.

> I tried to switch back to english version (by changing the
> environment variables), but then GnuCash crashed during start.
> I also remember that in old versions I saw something like Unrealised
> Profit in the Balance sheet, but I am not absolutely sure. However, I
> wouldn't go back through different versions to check, whether (and if
> yes when) it changed in one release.
> Anyway, the key point is, that I cannot select the Trading accounts
> in the balance sheet in the options. Would be nice, but to be honest,
> this is not a very big issue. When I need to hand out the balance
> sheet, I just export to Excel, change the totals on equity and add
> one line for unrealised Profit. Not too difficult. Otherwise I would
> have posted it on Bugzilla.

What version of Gnucash are you using?  Maybe you said, but I can't 
find the EMail right now.  Any recent version should just automatically 
use trading accounts in the balance sheet report if they exist, there 
is no option to use or not use them.  This is not dependent on the 
language (or at least shouldn't be).  I haven't tried it in a 
non-English system, but so far as I know nothing is dependent on the 
English name of things.

The Unrealized Gain or Loss in the balance sheet report was, for one of 
the reports, the sum of Income and Expense accounts, and for the other 
just a fudge factor to make things balance.  I forget which is which 
between the old and eguile versions.

I'm out of town right now, but when I get home I'll make sure it works 
in a non-English system.


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