Christian Stimming
stimming at tuhh.de
Mon Dec 27 10:44:29 EST 2010
Am Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010 schrieb Donald Allen:
> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 1:52 PM, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
> > So 2.4 is finally out the door. Hurrah!
Yep. Thanks a lot for everyone involved!
> > Now we need to plan out where to go next. I've updated
> > http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Roadmap with some ideas. Let's flesh that
> > out into a project plan for the next major version(s).
> >
> > We also need to get the bug count down. There are almost 1000 of them
> > open, and nearly half are more than 1 year old. A huge chunk of the
> > older ones are enhancement requests which we should either add to the
> > Roadmap or deny.
As for the enhancement requests: The basic issue before closing them is that
every developer can only speak of his/her own. I.e., you can say "*I* won't do
this" but another developer might say differently. However, enhancement
requests which are sitting there for more than a year can almost surely be
closed by WONTFIX because that's exactly what is being happening :-)
This is easy for the specific bug categories where single developers are more
or less responsible for, like the aqbanking import in my case. I'll go through
the enhancement requests in the near future and I'll close every one which *I*
won't personally consider for implementation over the next 3 months.
Also, maybe on our bugzilla wiki page http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla we
can write up a suggested policy and a proposed comment for closing
enhancement requests which are good proposals but due to our limited resources
and different priorities they still won't be implemented for the time being,
and for that reason we will close them as WONTFIX.
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