Unable to open sqlite3 files with 2.3.13 on Fedora 13.

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Mon Jun 7 13:04:50 EDT 2010

On Monday 7 June 2010, Rick Rankin wrote:
> [Sorry for the repost. I accidently hit "send" before the message was
>  complete.]
> Hello,
> For a while now, I've been using gnucash 2.3.x with the
> sqlite3 backend
> on Fedora 64-bit systems. A few days ago, I
> downloaded and built
> gnucash-2.3.13 on Fedora 13. The problem I'm
> seeing is that 2.3.13
> won't open my sqlite3 database. It fails with
> the message:
>     Can't parse the URL
> file:///data/register.sqlite3.
> This file opens just fine with
> gnucash 2.3.12. I've used the exact same configure line for both builds:
>     ./configure --prefix=/tools/local --enable-dbi
> --with-dbi-dbd-dir=/usr/lib64/dbd
> If I attempt to use the File
> --> Open dialog with 2.3.13, the only format the appears in the "Data
>  Format:" selection list is "file". With 2.3.12, I see both "file" and
>  "postgres" as options.
> Has something in the build process changed to enable sqlite/postgres?
Thank you for reporting this. As Phill already replied, there is a change with 
respect to where dbi drivers are searched for when the --with-dbi-dbd-dir 
configure option is omitted.

It turns out the changes required for this contain a bug. I have just fixed it 
in r19234.

You can work around this bug by fixing your 
/tools/local/etc/gnucash/environment file after you have run make install. The 
last line in that file defines GNC_DBD_DIR. Remove the double quotes around 
the definition. That should fix it.

> I was also having some issues with 2.3.12 on 32-bit Fedora-13. I was unable
>  to open an sqlite3 file from an NFS share. IIRC, I got the same "Can't
>  parse" message I quoted above. When I copied the file to the local hard
>  drive, though, I could open the file and see all my transactions, but all
>  the transaction amounts were zero.
What path do you use to access the file on nfs share ?

Regarding the zero amounts, do you get the same errors in /tmp/gnucash.trace 
as bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=611936 ?

>  I was getting ready to report those
>  errors to this list when I saw that 2.3.13 had been released. I thought
>  I'd try 2.3.13 before reporting anything against 2.3.12. Unfortunately,
>  I'm not able to get sqlite3 to work at all in either 32-bit or 64-bit
>  Fedora-13. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


> Thanks,
> --Rick
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