GNUCash 2.4 Small business accounting

Christian Stimming stimming at
Wed Feb 16 14:43:42 EST 2011

Am Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011 schrieb Julian Copes:
> My name is Julian Copes and I work for Packt, publishers of a new book on
> GNUCash called "GNUCash 2.4 Small business accounting" by Ashok
> Ramachandran.
> (...)
>  <> To date,
> we have paid open source projects over $300,000. Therefore, as we have
> published a book on GNUCash, we will be allocating 2% of every book sold
> to the GNUCash project.
>  <> I'd like
> to talk to you in more detail about the scheme and how we can work
> together, is this something you are interested in?

Dear Julian,

thanks for the introduction to the new book. I've been contributing to the 
book already as a reviewer, and I can confirm it turned out to be a very good 
book. Congratulations!

Incidentally, I'm also the currently most active developer in the GnuCash 
project, and have been that for some time. We don't have formal project 
leader(s) right now, so that's about the most designated person you can get.

The project is indeed very interested in your offer about your open source 
royalty scheme. Feel free to contact me directly about the details, either in 
writing or on the phone (+49-1577-5812496, Germany).

Best Regards,

Christian Stimming

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