mac osx and aqbanking5

David Reiser dbreiser at
Fri Feb 18 21:37:05 EST 2011


Did you do anything special to get aqbanking5 working with gnucash 2.4.x?

I built gnucash r20317 (x11) using gwenhywfar 4.0.7 (--disable-qt4 --with-guis=gtk2 --with-frontends="cbanking g2banking") and aqbanking 5.0.4, and I get an abort trap when launching the setup-wizard:

Assertion failed: (element), function GWEN_DIALOG__INHERIT_SETDATA, file dialog.c, line 46.
Abort trap

I'm pretty sure I saw the gtk-only wizard working sometime in 2.3.x, but it has been long enough since I tested the setup wizard that I could be misremembering.

Trying gnucash 2.4.2 via the .dmg installer on a machine that's never had any of my hand builds on it successfully displays the setup wizard dialog.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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