Support to fiscal special devices or printers

Gustavo J. Zamorano S. gzsuniq at
Wed Jul 27 14:43:21 EDT 2011

I would like to know if gnucash currently supports those special devices 
some governments are forcing us to use for a better control of taxes.
In Panama, according to a new law, such devices will have to be used 
starting on  Sept, 30.

Those devices have an internal memory that collects information of all 
invoices.  The accounting or POS program must send details of each 
invoice to it and wait for a response.  Response will have the invoice 
number assigned by the device  and correct tax calculation.  
Periodically, government officers will collect data stored in that memory.

One brand Panama has certified to use is Bixolon.  I do not have exact 
model yet.

Developers are crazy now trying to understand how their applications 
should support those printers.  Accounting and POS applications must 
support those devices as soon as possible.

Please contact me if you need more details on those devices. I am trying 
to collect more information as well.


Gustavo Zamorano


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