First weeks with uservoice

Christian Stimming stimming at
Tue Mar 1 10:05:01 EST 2011

Dear developers,

we've now had our first few days and weeks using the "uservoice"  
feedback tool,
I don't know what you think of it so far, but I must say I like the  
site very much!

Its voting system and its simple registration makes it really easy for  
users to set priorities on the most wanted features. I think this is a  
very good tool when discussing really new enhancements. Bugzilla never  
enabled us to set any useful priorities on those, except for the  
severity of plain bugs. Hence, I'd like to continue to use bugzilla  
for bugs because we know how to handle the severities and the  
interdependencies among bugs. Enhancement requests, on the other hand,  
seem to work much nicer on the uservoice site.

If there are further developers around who would like to the the  
"admin" priviledges on uservoice (e.g. setting the status of items),  
please notify me and I'll add you as admin.

With the increasing amount of feedback, I have further thoughts in  
mind about how to encourage the implementation of the most wanted  
features. For example, we can use our donation tip jar to put a  
significant bounty on the most want features regularly. We would have  
to agree on a decision process, or elect some sort of board or project  
leader(s) who will get the authority to make such decisions. But in  
principle the uservoice feedback enables us to identify a very small  
set of wanted features and for this small set we can assign  
significant bounties from the donation account.

For now, I'd like to encourage everyone to have a look at the  
uservoice site and check the feedback we can collect from there.

Further thoughts? Comments?



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