WARN <qof.engine> [guid_init()] only got xxxx bytes. The identifiers might not be very random.

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Tue Mar 8 05:16:49 EST 2011

Zitat von John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us>:
>>> Can the qof guid library be replaced by libuuid on linux?
>> Those seem good proposals to me. The only (smallish) problem I see  
>> is that the
>> guids generated by libuuid and UuidCreate have a slightly different format
>> than what we use now. So we'd still have to wrap these libraries to output
>> guids in the format we are using so far. But that seems to be a small issue.
> That's the string value. We should just get the uint-128 and shove  
> it into the Qof structure and let Qof handle formatting it.
> For completeness, the Quartz function is CFUUIDCreate(); it returns  
> an opaque CFUUID object, and you retrieve the value as a struct of  
> 16 uint8s with CFUUIDGetBytes().

Absolutely. I think at the time when gnucash adopted the GUID approach  
either libuuid wasn't around yet, or nobody thought of it at the time.  
I completely agree we should change the qof/guid.c implementation from  
our hand-written random number generator to libguuid on Linux and the  
two other methods on Windows and Mac, respectively.



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