printf question

Stephen Brown stephengrantbrown at
Mon Mar 21 08:36:15 EDT 2011

Hi Christian
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christian Stimming" <stimming at>
To: "Stephen Brown" <stephengrantbrown at>
Cc: "GNUCash Devel" <gnucash-devel at>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: printf question

> Zitat von Stephen Brown <stephengrantbrown at>:
>> run, open a Microsoft Vista Command prompt, and then
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> P:\soft\gnucash\inst\bin>gnucash-launcher.cmd
>> P:\soft\gnucash\inst\bin>
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Where does the output of the printf statement go?
> If the start-up of gnucash still opens a separate console, it should  go 
> there. If we've switched off that separate console, it goes nowhere.
How do I switch off that separate console?
How do I switch on that separate console?
> My workaround for similar debugging steps is to use g_warning("Some 
> number %d", some_number) instead of printf(), i.e. the function  arguments 
> of g_warning are the same as the ones of printf. Once the  logging 
> filename was set up correctly, your g_warning statements will  at least 
> show up there.
How do I set up the logging filename correctly?
> Regards,
> Christian
Once again, thank you for all the work you people are putting into GNUCash.
Yours Sincerely Stephen Grant Brown

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